The Top Secrets About Giving- By: Masami Sato

Description : Here is the secret to get what one wants. It is just giving. The reasons for it are based on the well-known philosophical dictum "Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?" The egg, and the chicken that is born out of it, create the circle of life, and form the basis for a profound comparison for attaining and giving what one wants: the circle of joy. This brilliant concept is analyzed in the clear voice and lucid prose of Masami Sato, the author of the book named ONE.

As humans, most of us naturally have endless desires for all kinds of things. And of course, the traditional principals of economics tell us that while wants are unlimited, resources are limited. This induces us to think, the more and more resources we have, the more and more desires we will be able to fulfill. We become very protective of our resources. We then think sharing or giving these resources will reduce the portion that can be used to get what we want. This is the traditional win-lose game that is being played.

Is this true, then?

And if the answer is "no" what then? What if it actually goes against the secret of getting more? What if the secret to earn more is simple - just by managing to give more?

You can get something simply by giving. Just like you can have eggs by breeding chickens. Just like that. Natural. Automatic. And it's an absolutely joyful experience.

First, let us start with a little analogy to explain more.

Chicken and Egg: the Cosmic Circle of Life

Many a philosopher has come out with this question from the beginning of time, "Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?"

The answer to this riddle is simple. It actually does not matter which came first, as both eggs and chicks are already here. Still, if we want to get better results, we can choose to start somewhere.

Giving and Receiving: the Circle of Joy

What if we asked a different question? "Which comes first, giving or receiving?"

Again, if we want to have greater results, we can choose to start somewhere. Giving something to others is surely so much easier than trying to get it first!

What happens if we are trying to get it first?

If we want to have something, naturally we try to get it. And we try to hold on to it after getting it. This is very natural to do-it makes sense intellectually.

But the real results of 'trying to get' are often not abundance and real long-term rewards.

For example, wanting to see others being happy is not about getting the joy from them or controlling them to become happy. It is about how much joy we can give them and share with them. Period.

So how do we begin to get what we desire?

By starting from the reverse end - by giving generously!

When we are ready to give away first before we have even got what we hope for - what we are dreaming of - we are sending a strong message to ourselves which says, 'there is enough, and more will come.' It lets us feel the joy today - the joy of sharing.

We only need to give out the love generously to others. It simply comes back to us. Giving love is the only way to be generously loved. When we acknowledge everyone for the great things they do and the great qualities they have, again it comes back to us. Others acknowledge us because we acknowledge them.

In the same way, if we wanted to have enough in our life materially, financially and emotionally, we just need to share the things we want generously with others.

Some are ready to give more physical things like time. Others opt to give what they can spare financially, like money. Those who give more (time, money, compassion, love, thoughts) have these things in abundance because it is the surplus. And surplus is the natural law of life.

Remind oneself of the rules of the game.

Important rule: never give anything expecting a return.

When we have the conviction that giving has got as its inherent part, 'getting' something back, we become upset when do not see the return immediately. We may even feel a slight dissatisfaction towards the receiver of our gift. And surely, nurturing a bad feeling for someone is not a proper thing to do! So we can experience the real happiness of giving when we are doing something with the knowledge that we are doing it only for ourselves - we are doing it for our own happiness!

Losing to win, giving to get..

It may initially feel like we are losing out. Yet at some level we know that getting without giving is not a sustainable life model. And we've known that from the very beginning. That's why tithing has been such a natural part of the lives of many successful people. And they didn't always do it publicly so it wasn't done to gain a better reputation. It was just because that was the way it was.

Take a look around. 'Simpler' living things do it naturally. The bumblebees pollinate the flowers as they receive the honey so more flowers bloom in abundance. Naturally. That's the game. They do not do it for conscience or justice. That is why they create such sustainability without even trying.

Giving is just a part of who we are, the same as having; nothing more or less. No complications, no strings attached; just letting go.

The essence of getting more can be stated in two steps: Give first, and do not expect to get anything in return.

When we let go and give generously, what we want will be delivered to us. Naturally.

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